NC Election Integrity Task Force Announced

For Immediate Press Release

May 25, 2020

Proposed changes to the North Carolina voter laws could adversely affect the 2020 state and national November 3rd elections. Karen Brinson Bell, Executive Director of the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE), wants to change the North Carolina voting process by expanding her power to alter the voting procedures indefinitely under the guise of an emergency due to the COVID19 crisis.

The Orange County GOP has formed the North Carolina Election Integrity Task Force to help ensure accountability, transparency, and integrity in how our State Board conducts elections and ensures the public’s trust. Our mission is to provide critical information, advocacy, and resources to support the policymakers, elected leaders, and voters of our state. We seek to educate and mobilize North Carolinians to help protect our sovereignty and freedom through free and fair elections guaranteed us by the Constitution of the United States.

Fortunately, the Rules Review Commission (RRC) unanimously rejected the proposed change to our election process this past week. Much credit for this rejection is owed to efforts by President Pro Tempore Phil Berger and Speaker Tim Moore. The overwhelming response by the citizens of North Carolina ultimately helped send a strong and unified message to the State Board of Elections. On a moment’s notice, citizens across the state wrote emails, made phone calls, and attended the meeting to express their deep concern and anger at how Executive Director Brinson Bell proposed to expand her powers while ignoring due process. We won this round for now. However, lawsuits have now been filed and changes to voter laws will resurface again with new justifications. We must be prepared to respond swiftly as North Carolina is a key battleground state.

If you would like to become informed and involved in our work to ensure elections in North Carolina maintain accountability, transparency, and integrity, please email us at [email protected].  You will be placed on our contact list and will begin to receive email notifications for our future newsletter, policy action alerts, upcoming meetings and rallies, workshops, and opportunities to meet your elected leaders.

Waddy Davis
Chairman, Orange County Republican Party
[email protected]