Stories From the Nation

Let's start with some final Kavanaugh news. It's not a secret that the shameful conduct of Senate Democrats have motivated women to get out and vote. Check out these two articles on the motivation: The Federalist and USA Today

Not surprisingly, Dr. Ford and her attorneys have no plans to pursue any of their allegations against Justice Kavanaugh now that he has been confirmed to SCOTUS: ABC News

As if you needed any more motivation to vote, Senate Democrats are talking about impeaching Kavanaugh if they retake both chambers of Congress. Sen. Cory Booker stated just that: Newsweek

The entire Kavanaugh fiasco exposed what liberal feminists really think about women who don't toe the party line. This op-ed by Alexandra DeSanctis details the identity politics problem: National Review 

It also exposed the confirmation bias of the national mainstream media. For a full, comprehensive rundown of the entire kerfuffle, read on: Washington Examiner

Speaking of liberal women, Hillary Clinton stated that Democrats should not be civil with Republicans, and the only way to restore civility is to elect Democrats. Eric Holder said that Democrats should "kick" Republicans. Rep. Steve Scalise, who was literally shot by a liberal activist, responds to their grotesque comments: Fox News

Democrats continue to push the poor fiscal idea of expanding Medicaid via Obamacare. What has happened in Ohio since Gov. Kasich expanded Medicaid? Find out: The Enquirer