It's Patriot Time

It's Patriot Time


So many times since the 2020 Election way back in November 2020, people have asked me where is the Orange County Republican Party at. We can get 30 at a regular meeting between in-person and Zoom. We had over 125 in April 2021 with Lt Governor Mark Robinson. We will be gathering next week for our Lincoln-Reagan Dinner.  But to answer their question, “Where are all of the Conservatives at?” My general answer is we are our Living, Working and spending time with Family. This weekend you will be with your family as you Celebrate Pesach, Easter or Ramadan. I applaud that. This is what the Freedom of Religion means as a 1st Amendment Right, and also what the Declaration of Independence calls Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I have mentioned in the past how we are Patriot Solders, just like in Revolutionary times. When the Call to Arms goes out, we respond then. At other times we enjoy life and work for the fruits of our labors. It's getting close to the time to be ready. The 2022 Primary has already begun, and 17 days Early Voting begins on Thursday, April 28th, 2022 across the State. With Election Day on Tuesday, May 17th, 2022. I want to encourage our Precinct Chair's and Vice-Chairs to being contacting their members. Remember, in Northern Orange County, the School Board Race is the Election, and our chance to replace the Progressives who have limited our liberties. I want to thank all of our Republican Candidates who are running Statewide, and especially locally. They are spending their own time and money, when they could be with their families, to serve the citizens of NC.

We now need you. We need you to work the polls, to observe the polls, to walk/drive and knock on doors, make phone calls, and work in the office, and to help get our the vote. Remember we are all Volunteers. Even me as your Chairman. We serve arm in arm, on the mission, to stop Socialism in our country.


In the Cause of the Right, -

Rev. John B. Gaither,

Chairman, Orange County Republican Party

PS - Don't forget you Lincoln-Reagan Tickets