Tis' The Season

Tis’ The Season -

I remember working my first political campaign in the fall of 1974. My dad took me off to some farm in the middle of nowhere. There was going to be a big time political fundraiser there the next day. The pig was cooking, and I was stuck in the old house on the property all night. They had me stapling two printed pieces of cardboard together for our guy, a Charlotte Lawyer, who was going to make Mecklenburg County important, like Atlanta. This was the first time I had ever used an electric stapler. I was somebody, for a 10 year old. I remember the clock turning 4:00am, and I was still working. I fell asleep some time after that, my Dad took me home before the first bite of BBQ was eaten.

We are in Political Sign Season in Orange County. But this season seems more like hunting season, than Presidential campaign season. OCGOP purchased signs from NCGOP back in June. We have also receives signs from the Trump Campaign. With each one, I warn that they may get feet and disappear. But we continue to get reports, as we did in 2020 and 2016, that signs are being stolen. From yards, public streets and state right-of-ways. How dare they. The opposition party that believes in Freedom of Speech, and open dialog is scared of a few signs with Trump on them. Some in the Democrat Party thinks they own this Orange County. But a loop on Next Door show their signs stolen too.

Here is part of NC Law concerning signs: NCGS Chapter 136-32.

(e) Penalties for Unlawful Removal of Signs. – It is a Class 3 misdemeanor for a person to steal, deface, vandalize, or unlawfully remove a political sign that is lawfully placed under this section.

A Class 3 misdemeanor is the least serious type of misdemeanor in NC. The maximum penalty is 20 days in jail and a $200 fine. Please have a little respect for other’s property.


In the cause of the right.


John B. Gaither,
