Election Integrity

Voters across America have doubts about how secure elections are.  Our desire is not to spread fear, but help you understand the process, and give you tools to help give you a reasoned understanding.  In Orange County NC, our elections are fair and secure.  They stay that way if we participate and watch the process.  There are things we can do as citizens to observe and report problems.  The Internet is full of information - some good, some inaccurate.  Making bold statements can leave you open for lawsuits if you accuse someone and you are not correct. Be vigilant. Don’t be a vigilante.


NCSBE Voter Search

1. - How to be a Poll Observer inside a Polling location

Poll Observers are the eyes and ears on the ground in a voting location.  They are volunteers appointed by the County Party.  They ensure that every voter who is legally eligible may cast a ballot.  These tips are offered by the NC State Board of Elections on how to be a Poll Observer.

NCSBE Poll Observer Tips - HTML

NCSBE Poll Observer Tips - PDF


2. - How to be a Poll Worker outside a Polling location

During Early Voting and on Election Day, we prefer to set up tables outside polling sites to talk to our voters and hand out sample ballots and candidate palm cards.  On Election Day, our Precinct Chairs normally organize these tables.  Poll Workers can also act as Outside Monitors. Anyone has the right to watch or monitor the election outside the voting place.  This activity must remain outside the buffer zone, which typically extends 50 feet from the entrance of the voting place and is clearly marked.  Outside monitors must stay within the area designated for election-related activity, if provided. Outside monitors may not disrupt voting, intimidate voters, or otherwise impede access to the polls.  On-site elections officials have the duty to ensure a safe and orderly voting site where voters are not obstructed.  These officials are authorized to remove anyone who is disruptive.

Maintenance of order at place of registration and voting (N.C.G.S. § 163-48).


3. - Verify Your Voting Record

Search for voter details, including jurisdictions, polling place, sample ballot when available, absentee ballot information, and voter history.

NCSBE Voter Search


Orange County Board Of Elections

4. - Work for the Orange County Board Of Elections

North Carolina elections officials are looking for “democracy heroes” to work at polling places.  These local heroes will protect democracy, learn about the elections process, serve their communities and get paid in the process.  The State Board of Elections encourages voters of all ages to lend a hand to the democratic process.  You can volunteer to work for the Orange County Board of Elections, or be appointed by the Orange County Republican Party Chairman (or Democrat Party chairman).  You must be a registered Orange County, NC voter.

Election workers have an important role. They:
• Staff polling places during early voting and on Election Day
• Set up and close the voting enclosure
• Check in voters and issue ballots
• Assist voters upon request
• Serve at the Help Table and perform research for voters who are not in the pollbook

Information about Working for the Orange County Board of Elections

Be A Democracy Hero


NC Ballot Protection Team

5. - NCGOP Ballot Protection Team

Voters across North Carolina report election integrity as a top issue of concern. It’s understandable.  In 2020, Democrats used COVID-19 to weaken ballot security by enacting sweeping, last-minute alterations to the election process across the country as well as here in North Carolina.

In NC we believe that it should be EASY TO VOTE, HARD TO CHEAT.

RNC Report on Election Integrity 08-21-2021

Protect the NC Ballot - Sign-up for the NCGOP's Election Integrity Committee



6. - NC Voter Integrity Project

Organized by Jay DeLancy and John Pizzo in 2011, VIP-NC is a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to ensuring open and honest elections for all lawfully registered voters.

Voter Integrity Project



7. - North Carolina Election Integrity Teams

Sign up for training to become a Poll Observer.  Or, if you have been through the training to be an inside Poll Observer, then you might want to take the next step and train others.  We are forming around The Eight Systems of Election Integrity.  These are the Eight Systems of Election Integrity that we can perform to keep them honest. NCEIT is dedicated to helping you get confident in performing these systems. 

1) County Board of Election Liaison  2) Poll Observers  3) Mail Voting Processes  4) List Maintenance  5) Vulnerable Voters  6) Machines & Technology   7) Statutory Provisions & Compliance and 8) Audit Oversight & Development.

NC Election Integrity Teams

A 2024 News Conference on Election Integrity in NC while Legislature was voting.


Whos Counting. US
8. - Election Integrity Network

The integrity of our elections is under assault from Democrats in Washington and left-wing forces across America. Using the pretext of COVID, a web of well-funded organizations, working with Democrat lawmakers and friendly judges, systematically changed state election laws in 2020. This site is lead by Cleta Mitchell and sponsored by Conservative Partnership Institute.

Who's Counting Us

This is their guide: Citizen's Guide To Building An Election Integrity Infrastructure.  Since the 2020 general election, there has been a national citizens’ movement to learn about the election systems in our country and to understand what happened in 2020.  The powers-that-be in America don’t want citizens to discuss the 2020 election or to question the process.

Citizens Guide to Building an Election Integrity Infrastructure


9. - Phantom Voter Project: See who is voting from YOUR address?

Phantom voters are those who illegally register to vote at one or multiple addresses.  The owner of the property is unaware that one or many people have used their address for this purpose.  This type of activity has been reported in MANY counties throughout our state.

YOU can take action.  Click this link to access the Phantom Voter Project database, developed by Jay DeLancy’s group at the Voter Integrity Project of NC.

Phantom Voter Project

This is a reverse search database of the NCSBE database, and is frequently updated.

You simply select the county, such as Orange County, input your address, and hit "Submit Query".  This will display your address and the number of voters at this address.  

[Note: If you have problems searching, don’t fill in every box. For example, you can try searching by street name only and just leave off the street number.  The search does, however, need at least a county name. You may also have to try submitting the street name using US Postal Service abbreviations, e.g., "Rd" instead of "Road".]

Once a record appears, click on the address, hit the "Inquire" button, and all voter information will display.

If everything is correct, no further action is required.  If there are names on this list that should not be, action must be taken to have these people removed from the voter rolls.

Hit the "Address Verification" button.  This will produce a letter asking you to complete some information and send it to the board of elections.   

If this is all too overwhelming, we can assist you.  Please click this link to send an email.  Please include your address and contact information.  Also explain that your question is about the Phantom Voter Project, or any other particular element found on the Election Integrity Page.


Voter Ref Foundation

10. - Voter Reference Foundation

The Voter Reference Foundation is dedicated to ensuring transparent, accurate and fair elections in the United States of America. The purpose of this website is to provide educational information about how our elections process works and how elections data is compiled and maintained nationwide.  Our goal is to encourage greater voter participation in all fifty states.  Our system of government is based upon citizen participation. We believe the people have an absolute right to a transparent elections system, including elections data and elections procedures. Let freedom ring.  

Voter Reference Foundation

VoteRef.com, this website provides public access to official government data pertaining to elections, including voter registration rolls, with a goal of encouraging greater voter participation in all fifty states. Our system of government is based upon citizen participation. We believe the people, in effect, own this data and have a legal right to see it in an understandable and transparent form. Let freedom ring.

The Online Tool of their work is here, where you can search 33 states' voter registration data, and look at how to clean up voter rolls.



Captain Seth Keshel
11. - Captain Seth Keshel

"Highly respected Army intelligence Captain, Seth Keshel, has just released his Report on National Fraud Numbers with respect to the 2020 Presidential Election. I don't personally know Captain Keshel, but these numbers are overwhelming, election-changing, and according to Keshel, could be even bigger in that they do not account for cyber-flipping of votes. They show I won the election--by A LOT! Now watch the Democrats coalesce, defame, threaten, investigate, jail people, and do whatever they have to do to keep the truth from surfacing, and let the Biden Administration continue to get away with destroying our Country. The irregularities and outright fraud of this election are an open wound to the United States of America. Something must be done--immediately!" - Donald J. Trump

Captain Seth Keshel


12. - Major Dave

Major Dave Goetze is a researcher of NC election data.  He challenges the status quo.  He has looked at the numbers for years and makes conclusions about NC election data.  He currently lives in VA, though his heart is with the Tar Heel State.  He is looking for help in the collection of election data.  You can follow him on Facebook or search for some of his YouTube videos.

The top link is for the new group he has formed with Hal Weatherman.

Electoral Education Foundation

Major Dave Goetze


13. - NC Election Data Team

Elections belong to the citizens.  ELECTION THEFT IS REAL.  Folks like Major Dave have been gathering election data for years, but the Data team can open it up to see the anomalies.


14. - True The Vote

Our election processes are vulnerable from beginning to end—and those vulnerabilities are being exploited by groups who subvert our elections to serve their own purposes.  The best way to protect voters' rights is to equip citizens for service.  That's what we do.  Now, that's what you can do, too.

True The Vote


15. - NC State Board of Elections Laws

Elections in NC operate under laws and rules that dictate the procedures of the election and how they are conducted, both State and Federal.  These rules once passed by law are overseen by both the State Board of Election, and the offices in all 100 counties across NC.  They keep up with all the latest changes in these laws.  The Rules come  under  the NC General Statues Chapter 163.   The State also operates under the Numbered Memos, issued by the Executive Director of the State Elections Board, to help interpret the rules.  




16. - Helping Voter in a Care Facility (Rest Homes) in NC

Here is a reference to the NC State Board of Elections has published about helping voters in Care Facilities.




17. - Movie "2000 Mules"

"Highly respected Dinesh D'Souza, working together with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote, just released a trailer to their new movie, "2,000 Mules," that shows the world exactly how the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen. The movie exposes the lies of the Democrats, RINOs, and Fake News who say it was the "most secure election in history." It was, perhaps, the least secure in history. The ballot box was stuffed, and stuffed like never before—and it's all on video. Ballots were trafficked and sold in a massive operation in each Swing State. The evidence is so damning, what will the cowards who sat and did nothing about the stolen election say now? The way our votes were taken away is a disgrace to our Nation. It must be fixed."  - Donald J. Trump.  Run Time 1 hour 29 minutes.

2000 Mules


Rigged: The Zuckerberg Funded Plot to Defeat Donald Trump
18. - "Rigged" 2020 Movie 

This Citizen’s United documentary looks at the influence that outside groups like the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative had by pouring money into the 2020 Presidential Election like never before.  33 NC counties, including Orange County, accepted grants.  The initial use was to purchase face shields and masks for the elections, but some counties across America may have gone further.  “Rigged: The Zuckerberg Funded Plot to Defeat Donald Trump” looks at the issue.  Run Time 40 minutes.

Rigged 2020 Movie


Rigged - The Voter Suppression Playbook

19. - Rigged: The Voter Suppression Playbook (Full Film)

This is not a Conservative movie.  This 2019 documentary, narrated by Jeffrey Wright, takes an opposite view of how the Left/Progressives look at voter suppression.  Their claim is that voter suppression and disenfranchisement is the opposite end of the spectrum of election integrity.  Rigged chronicles how our right to vote is being undercut by a decade of dirty tricks - including the partisan use of gerrymandering, voter purges, voter ID and the gutting of the Voting Rights Act by the Supreme Court.  The film captures real-time voter purges in North Carolina and voter intimidation in Texas.  Run Time 1 hour 12 minutes.

Watch - Rigged: The Voter Suppression Playbook (Full Film)

Website - https://www.riggedthefilm.com/